Booking Alaska Partner Awards – Korean Air
Now that I am back from vacation, expect postings to be a little more regular but also keep in mind that these Alaska Partner Award posts take a lot of time and research to complete so you may see them spaced a couple of days apart. Today, we are looking at another carrier that partners
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Booking Alaska Partner Awards – Hainan Airlines
** Update ** Hainan Airlines found this post valuable. I hope you do as well! @realpointsnerd Hello Jayce, this is an incredibly detailed analysis. Thank you very much for sharing it with us. Best, Cecile_HA — Hainan Airlines (@HainanAirlines) February 28, 2017 Let’s continue our series on booking Alaska Airlines Partner Awards with a view
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Booking Alaska Partner Awards – JAL
If you’re a nerd like me, you will know that Alaska Airlines and Japan Airlines entered into a partnership on June 29th, 2016. As with all new partnerships, there’s a period of transition so that things like award redemptions can be properly figured out. It turns out that it took just over 5 months to
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Booking Alaska Partner Awards – Cathay Pacific
Alaska Airlines has 18 partners but in my opinion, none of them are as attractive as the airline we will review today, Cathay Pacific. Amongst seasoned travelers, Cathay Pacific ranks as one of the premier airlines because of their high levels of consistent quality, both in their hard and soft product. Unfortunately I have not
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Booking Alaska Partner Awards – Overview
So now that I’ve convinced you that Alaska Airlines is a great option, especially if you live out West, let’s talk about how you go about booking partner awards. Because there are so many partners of Alaska, I’m going to turn this into a series so that you can get specifics on how to find
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