
Call for Topics

First off, I would like to thank you all for your support of the site.  It’s been quite an adventure so far with lots of people writing to me for advice or just to share that they love the site.  For that, I am eternally grateful.

There are currently 105 blog posts, most of which are posts on how to take advantage of the points programs in Canada with a few series that walk you through how to do everything from finding and booking a reward flight with Aeroplan, negotiate your annual credit card fees to my most recent series on how to book Alaska partner awards.

I also understand that while I may cover the topics that people are interested in, there are certainly a few that go unwritten about.  That’s why I’ve decided to provide an opportunity for PointsNerd readers to let me know what they would like covered.

You can either leave a comment below or write me an email at jayce@pointsnerd.ca  and I will do my level best to cover the topic at some point in the future.  This is your chance to both help the blog and have a topic you are interested in covered in depth.

If you’ve been reading the blog consistently, you will notice that I like to go into a lot of detail to help my readers become experts in the field of travel hacking.

Ask and ye shall receive.
