We’ve all been there. You’re in a new city and your body isn’t used to the food or the water and your stomach just doesn’t agree with you.
Everyone knows you can duck into a coffee shop or a restaurant to use the washroom but one option that people tend to forget about is the hotel lobby washroom. In my travel experience, I find that if you walk into a 3, 4 or 5 star hotel and take a look around the lobby, you are bound to find signs to a washroom. Sometimes you may have to get to the conference area of the hotel (usually on the 2nd floor) but 99 times out of a hundred, you will find a clean, often very private washroom.
I’m not a huge fan of public restrooms but the ones that I find to be the cleanest are always the ones in a nice hotel. So if you ever find yourself in a pinch, especially in a tourist heavy area, look for a hotel, walk in like you own the place and take care of your personal needs.